Saturday, March 8, 2014

2014 so far.

HI! Hello! How is everyone!
How is the new year? 
ha! I know, March.. hee hee.. this hasn't been my best blogging year so far..
the reason being: So much has happened this year already! 
It's been incredible! Dreams have been coming true left and right!

The biggest part of my life right now is Acting Up, 
the advanced musical theatre team at the Scera Theatre,
and I'm so glad it is! I absolutely LOVE doing it!
In February, went on tour to CA to compete in Musical Theatre Competitions of America.
And it was beyond amazing.

Everyone in Acting Up is crazy talented and so much fun to be with.
I love them all tons and I'm so thankful for them.

Last weekend our family saw Brian Regan live in SLC.
There was not one single moment when we weren't laughing so hard we thought we'd die.
We are huge fans for a reason.
I just really love my family tons.
Pretty stoked we're sealed for eternity (:

And so then, yesterday Jaya and I took pictures..
and so that was cool because we're never not laughing when we're together.

Here are some of them... 

There are way more like the one above than normal pictures.. 
I like my best friend, Jaya.

so, 2014? way too cool.



  1. So Tali...
    I love you by the way:)
    we talk about you EVERY. DAY.
    not joking. jessie jess and abbie all the days.
    and you are amazing.
    and beautiful.
    and SUCH an example to all of us.
    I hope timp rocks as much as pg does!!!!!!!
    love forever
    jess eddy

    oh also...we should do another production together sometime.
    oh and I MADE CHAMBER CHOIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. and i envy your gorgeous hair. :)
