Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Living and Learning.

A few things I learned from these pictures

 provided by pinterest.. 

I adore this one.
As I go from day to day, I realize how busy and crazy life can get.
Especially now with school in again.
Its hard to find time to just sit alone and think.
But I love that these words are stapled to a street post. 
Stapled there, implying that the reader will be worried about getting to their destination,
as it is on a street. 
But I love that its just a simple reminder.
Asking you for one small second
to stop everything you're doing,
stand silently,
and remember how magnificent life truly is.
Because it is. 
And its easy to forget it.

This one.
A personal favorite of mine.
More and more I realize that this time in my life is very important.
So is every time, but this time especially.
Its a time for me to make commitments to my self.
To establish my standards.
And to not let them lower.
Again and again, as a kid you here,
"promise yourself NOW that you wont..."
And now I truly see how important it is to actually keep those promises you make as a kid.
This world is tempting.
It is easy to lower your standards.
There is peer pressure and media and all these things that can be very distracting.
But I made my standards a long time ago.
And I haven't lowered them since.
My standards have been tried,
But I never let them fall.
I know what I stand for.
And what I will never fall for.

If you stand for nothing, You'll fall for anything. Garunteed.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

camping is fun

so for the 3 day weekend, we decided to go camping in dazey!
only, we didn't stay as long as we would've liked because all it did was rain.
BUT it was still a blast.

we went to payson lakes up in payson canyon

we brought the slack line along and played for hours, i tell you.

orange juice and breakfast and stuff

then we went on an adventure and took pictures



we put wild flowers in our hair


And then sol was a good sport and got in a few pictures.

these girls are so darling

such beauties

cute idea of theirs (:

This one time Bronwyn heard a who (;

And then brooklyn is a talented dancer with much flexibility..

taken by brooklyn, the talented girl.

It was so much fun taking pictures with these girls.
It made me notice that they are each talented and unique in their own way.
I loved spending time with these darling girls.

and then there was a rainbow because there had to be a cheesy ending (;

so much fun
