Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Birthday rap up.

So this past weekend...
Was my birthday!! 
Yup, folks! The big ONE SIX!! 
(do you have any idea how many times I've been asked if I've been on a date yet...?) 
It was an absolute blast.
Unbelievably grand. 
I always love birthdays because you get to see how loved you really are (:
No, I didn't take any pictures.. Sorry. 
But seriously, it was an awesome day. 
So many people contributed to my great day.. 
And I decided to make you all a... Virtual thank you card...? 

Thank you! 

Love you all!


Thursday, November 7, 2013


ya, i know its a coca cola commercial, and it might be a little cheesy... 
but its possibly my favorite commercial too... 
enjoy the good in the world 

